God's plan for Salvation
God's plan for Salvation
Holy Friendships - St. Anne Church June 2024
This year, I want more.
John 1:3, All things came to be through him,
and without him nothing came to be.
God is our natural environment.
"He is Risen, indeed!"
"Ask and you shall receive." Enjoy the TOP 10 from Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 2023
"I though t he was dead?" "Nah, he's alive." Enjoy the TOP 10 from this week's
5th Sunday of Lent
We are half-way through Lent? When did that happen? Enjoy the TOP 10 from this week's 4th Sunday of Lent
Is this thing on? Enjoy this short video on the top 10 takeaways from this Sunday's Gospel, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Enjoy this short video on the top 10 takeaways from this Sunday's Gospel, inspired by the Holy Spirit in our Catholic Men's Fellowship and RCIA ministry.
Enjoy this short video on the top 10 takeaways from this Sunday's Gospel, inspired by the Holy Spirit in our Catholic Men's Fellowship.
Enjoy this short video on tapping into the eternal Light of Jesus, so we can reflect His Light to the rest of the world.
This prayer was inspired by the Holy Spirit at age 8. It is a prayer we pray before each Holy Mass as we give thanks to God for everything.
With your donation of $10, will mail you five (5) prayer cards of The Morning Prayer.
You can donate at www.OnlyGod.Faith/Donate
Thank you for your support!
Check out the latest video from Only God Ministries founder Mike Pugliese on the importance of the Church when one of us get spiritually bent out of shape.
Semper Paratus, always prepared! Are we prepared to share Jesus with others when we step into the world each day? This video by founder Mike Pugliese talks about the Only God moment that the Holy Spirit led Mike to encounter this important question.
A prayer by St. Augustine. Images and narration by Mike Pugliese.
Check out this God inspired video from Mike Pugliese
Check out this God inspired video from Mike Pugliese
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We want to hear from you and pray for you! May God bless you and keep you close this day!