In December 2016, Mike Pugliese, Ministry founder, attended a Men's Emmaus weekend retreat. Mike had a miraculous and audible encounter with Jesus Christ when he awoke Saturday morning. A reluctant witness then, Mike gave his "yes" when God asked him to spread His supernatural love and joy to others by sharing his personal testimony. Not long after that, Mike continued his "yes" when God called him even deeper to speak at Catholic Church retreat weekends to groups of both men and women, and beyond. Since then, God has revealed Himself in many ways to Mike, and the phrase "Only God can do this," kept being spoken to Mike by the Holy Spirit. For the last two years, Mike has felt the shoulder taps about starting this ministry. In the spirit of St. Michael the Archangel, Mike said "Serviam" and again gave God his "yes," and Only God Ministries was born.
I am a regular guest host on Joyful Hope TV, with Patrick and Joy Campbell of the Cross of St Benedict Society. I have been a speaker for multiple virtual retreats that occurred during the pandemic, when in-person retreats were not available. I have also been been the managing producer for an online Lenten 40-day daily retreat series for two years, recording, editing, and producing videos and audio content.
I also create content on my own YouTube Channel.
I am a regular conference and workshop speaker at St. Paul of the Cross Passionist Retreat Center in Pittsburgh, PA. I am active in the Men' Emmaus ministry as well as RCIA/OCIA, helping men and women come home to the fullness of Faith in the Catholic Church.
I'd love to come speak to your church group!